Thursday 8 September 2016

Dick wants suspension of habeas corpus for drug war

Sen. Richard "Dick" Gordon is set to file a Senate resolution which would grant emergency powers to President Rodrigo Duterte to address the drug problem in the country.
The proposed emergency powers would include the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, a court order which commands an individual or government official to produce a prisoner and justify its detention.
"We are at war with drugs right now. Dapat bigyan natin siya (Duterte), kung kailangan isuspinde ang writ of habeas corpus para labanan ang droga at sa tinatawag nating terorismo," Gordon told members of the press in an ambush interview.
The senator said he would file the bill by next week or as soon as he finishes the proposed measure.
Gordon noted that the Congress would be in control of the situation as they would put safeguards against abuses if the writ is suspended.
"I'd rather have Congress in control than one man," Gordon said.
"I am doing this so we will not be destabilized by any country," the senator added.
Gordon noted that he would be the lone author of the proposed bill but said that he would welcome any senator who would want to co-author the resolution.
Meanwhile, Sen. Leila de Lima said she would oppose the proposal to suspend the writ of habeas corpus, according to a report from GMA News.
De Lima compared the proposal to suspend the writ of habeas corpus to a "creeping Martial Law" as it would mean that the court could no longer inquire on the legality of a person's arrest or detention.
The former Justice secretary further argued that the privilege of the writ can only be suspended in cases of rebellion or invasion and stressed that the war on drugs is neither of those.
De Lima had opened a Senate inquiry on the spate of extrajudicial killings and summary executions of drug suspects in the country. More than 2,000 drug suspects have been killed since Duterte assumed office last June 30.

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